WW3 update 28May2024

WW3 update 28May2024

On 14th May 2024 , Reuters News Agency reports that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken visited Ukraine . This was after congress agreed to a $61Billion aid package.    Blinken himself went on "X" that day to comment on his visit and to re affirm USA support for Ukraine. 

Blinken on X

New York Times report dated 22May2024

Anthony Blinken is the US secretary of state who some people think is the real leader of the USA.  He recently visited Ukraine . This is at a time when Russia is mounting successful attacks.  The NY Times reports that he is urging President Biden to allow Ukraine to fire weapons in to Russia.   The article also reports that "Britain, usually in lockstep with Washington on war strategy, has quietly lifted its own restrictions, so that its “Storm Shadow” cruise systems can be used to target Russia more broadly."

NY Times
New York Times 22May2024

Politico report Friday 24 May 2024

Politico Orban
Politico 24May2024 - Orban

On Fri 24May2024, politico website reported on the Hungarian PM (Viktor Orban) discomfort with NATO discussions.  He was saying that NATO is meant for defence of NATO territory and not to enter venture outside it.  Orban said "What is happening today in Brussels and Washington — perhaps more in Brussels than in Washington — is a kind of mood of preparation for a possible direct military conflict; we can safely call it: preparation for Europe to go to war," Orbán warned in the interview."

Swissinfo channel report 27May2024

On 27May 2024 , the swissinfo channel reported that NATO secretart General Jens Stoltenburg suggested that members allow Ukraine to use western weapons to attack targets inside Russia.  His remarks were apparently for Joe Biden who is reluctant to allow weapons fired in to Russia proper. 


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