WW3 snippets Jan 2024

USS Carney launches tomahawk at Yemen radar

 3.45am Local time Saturday 13th Jan 2024:   United States Naval Institute website reports that the guided missile destroyer USS Carney launched a land attack tomahawk missile against Yemen (Houthi) targets.

USS Carney
US Naval Institute - USS Carney

Readers will recall that previously, the UK launched attacks on 28 targets across Yemen.  This latest response by the USS Carney was against a radar installation used by Yemen to attack shipping in the Red Sea,. 

UK ramps up production of war munitions

In Sept 2023 , observers noted that the UK defence company BAE systems was reporting that it had £130 million additional worth of orders for manufacture of munitions. 
BAE systems - weapons manufacture 
Factories in South Wales and Tyne & Wear will manufacture the war supplies which will create 200 jobs. 

On 14 Jan 2024, the UK Defence Journal (UKDJ) quoted James Cartlidge MP (Minister of state for defence) when he added a bit more information about the munitions.  He said that there was an eight fold increase in production of 155mm shells to replenish stocks.  UK has donated 300,000 shells to Ukraine. 
UKDJ 14 Jan 2024
Also, as part of defence requirements in arctic theatres of war, the UK MOD is buying 196 snow sleds to be used as reconnaissance vehicles. 
UKDJ 8 Jan 2024 - snow vehicles 

Royal Navy - 10 Jan 2024:  Royal Marines to Norway for Arctic exercise

The Royal Navy webpage of 10 Jan says that the Royal Marines have been deployed to the Norway which is the Northern border of NATO. Many other NATO countiries will take part and this follows Finland joining Nato in April 2023 and  Sweden expected to join the anti Russian military alliance in July 2024. 
Royal Marines to Norway 10 Jan 2024

9 Jan 2024 - Ahead of Sweden joining NATO, Commander in Chief Micael Byden said that Sweden could soon be facing war. 
Euractiv - Sweden possible war

War Brewing and no one wants to join up 

The UKDJ of 9 Jan 2024 says that the UK army recruitment targets have not been met since 2010.
UKDJ - no recruits 

It's not really a surprise because of the overwhelming negative press including white priveliged racist colonialist homophobic, misoginist bla bla bla  culture wars , and  British munitons killing muslims in places like Libya, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, Afganistan, and also the prosecution of soldiers who served in Northern Ireland .   The USA has similar difficulties with recruiting young people in to their military. 

Other woes for the UK

  • Farmers fields full of stubble instead of food. -  Harry's Farm explains on Youtube
  • Global supply chain breakdown - Red Sea conflict, Panama canal drought , Ukraine war see previous blog   Oh dear Ukraine and Russia used to be big wheat exporters . 
  •  The Guardian  - Reports that many councils going bust. And when Labour wins , it'll be their councillors who shout loudest for help from central Government .

But anyway here's a thought - Where would you put money if you knew a war was brewing?  I would put it in a war chest to buy more shells rockets and bullets , and not give it to Local Councils.