WW3 update May 2024

UK is electing a wartime Government

This first photo from 1941 is of UK PM Winston Churchill , and USA President Roosevelt.  The Atlantic Charter was signed which set out agreed principles between the 2 countries.  Its terms reflect international tensions which still apply today. 
PM Churchill and President Roosevelt 

15 Jan 2024:  UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps says UK should prepare for war within 5yrs against China Russia Iran and North Korea
Grant Schapps
War against China Russia Iran & N.Korea

  • "Russia continues its illegal campaign in Ukraine, China is assessing whether the West loses its patience.
  • Today, Russia and China have been joined by new nuclear, and soon to be nuclear, powers.
  • North Korea promising to expand its own nuclear arsenal.
  • And then there is Iran, whose enriched uranium is up to 83.7%, a level at which there is no civilian application" 

26 Jan 2024 Exercise  Steadfast Defender - show of Nato strength & Unity

Largest military excersise by Nato (including new member Sweden) since the cold war .

Nato exercise
Nato exercise 2024

Updated report about Steadfast Defender dated 8 March 2024.  90k troops from 32 countries.  The first part of the exercise focuses on securing the Atlantic up to the Arctic; the second part focuses on moving troops across Europe, from the High North to Central and Eastern Europe.

3 Feb 2024:  500 Army supply  trucks purchased by UK . 

The 500 support trucks will be delivered to the British Army in 2024 to support operational activity,

Under a £282 million contract, Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles will deliver multipurpose trucks that transport supplies such as ammunition, food, water, and support materiel, to operational locations.

23 April 2024 UK to increase spending on military

PM Rishi Sunak announced that UK will increase the amount that it spends on defence to 2.5% Gross domestic product (GDP). 

12 May 2024 : MP Andrew Bridgen  on the Doc Malik show on X. 

  "We are actually at war with Russia now... They're not going to tell the people probably until July or August."

"The whole thing's a pantomime in Parliament... It's not a race between the blue and the red team to see who crosses the finish line. This is a baton handover on all the big issues: Net Zero, Covid response, the WHO, the trans agenda." "It's Agenda 2030, it's the World Economic Forum, the 0.1% of the richest people in the world—the globalists."

13 May 2024  Prime Minister Rish Sunak speech   

Sunak was speaking outside 10 Downing street in the context of a security briefing .
Sunak speech
Rishi Sunak  - more will change in next 5yrs than last 30yrs
  •  " I feel a profound sense of urgency. Because more will change in the next 5yrs than the last 30yrs" 
  • "I’m convinced that the next few years will be some of the most dangerous yet the most transformational our country has ever known."     Sunak described the dangers -  An axis of authoritarian states ( Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China) is working together to undermine us and our values.  War has returned to Europe ( Ukraine) in the Middle East as Israel defends itself not only against the terrorists of Hamas but a barrage of missiles fired – for the first time – directly from Iran.   Iranian proxies are firing on British ships in the Red Sea, disrupting goods destined for our high streets. Right now in Africa, conflicts are being fought in 18 different countries. China has conducted cyber targeting of our democratically elected MPs. Russia has poisoned people with chemical weapons.
  • My point is this: our country stands at a crossroads. Over the next few years, from our democracy to our society to our economy - to the hardest questions of war and peace - almost every aspect of our lives is going to change."

May 18th 2024 :  Turkiye supplies new drones to Poland 

Daily Sabah drones
Turkish company Baykar delivered 24 Bayraktay drones to Poland im May 2024.  This is the 3rd shipment in 18months. 

21 May 2024 - UK Government Emergency Preparedness website launched .

The Government launched a site to inform the  nation how to be prepared for  emergencies .  Stock up with 3 days food supply they say. 
Resilience website May 2024

This resilience website follows the recent introduction and test of an emergency alert system on UK mobile phones. 

25th May 2024  -  Rishi Sunak - National Military Service if re-elected

A report in the Telegraph says that if re-elected , Sunak would bring back National service . 

Narional service
Telegraph - 25May2024

Conscription is when the Goverment compels young men to join the military. This was last done in the UK in May 1939.  On 3rd Sept 1939 Britain declared war on Germany thereafter , all fit men 18 - 41yrs had to serve in the military. 

 After the second world war, men aged 17 - 21yrs had to serve 2yrs in the military.  this lasted until 1963. 

UK Government National Risk Register 

UK Government has carried out a risk assessment for various threats and then plotted them on a risk matrix.  Score 5 for highest impact , and score 5 for highest likelihood of the risk actually happening.    The highest I could see was 5 impact / 4 likelihood for pandemic , and score 4/4 for various state threats including cyber attacks, and total loss of transatlantic telecomms cables. 
UK National risk register 


It is obvious that we are in the 1939 moment.  Any newly elected UK Government will seek the views of allies (especially USA) and may well conclude that National Service is necessary.  So, unless someone in power  does something quickly , then the UK may soon be in a proper WW3 rather than the proxy wars we are currently engaged in.