Iran missiles to Russia

Iran missiles to Russia 

Summary:   In August 2023, satellites detected the movement of missiles from the Iranian port of Amirabad   to the Russian port of Olya on the Russian cargo vessel "Port Olya 3".  225 Iranian Fath 360 missileswith a range of 75 miles  are said to have been supplied . 

Ukraine's supplies of bombs and missiles come from Nato countries mostly USA but also UK and others. However, a condition of this supply is that they are only used inside Ukraine.    President Zalensky of Ukraine wants permission to use Nato missiles including the Anglo French "storm shadow" to attack eg Russian airfields and other places inside Russia from where Russian attacks are launched.   According to the BBC, the NATO missiles have already been transported to Ukraine. 

So today, Friday 13 September , President Joe Biden (or is it really Barack Obama?) has to decide whether to give permission to use Nato missiles inside Russia.  If he does so, Putin says that a state of war will exist between Nato and Russia. 
                              - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yet another moment of dangerous escalation in the ongoing conflict .  WW3 just in time to stop the USA election in November perhaps? 

Blinken lammy
Visit Kyiv 11 Sept 2024

David Lammy is a lawyer and is the Labour MP for Tottenham .  He has served as UK Foreign Secretary since July 2024. 

David Lammy MP
Anthony Blinken is an American Lawyer and diplomat.  He is the currently serving as the 71st United Secretary of State. 


Blinken arrives in London prior to Ukraine visit

The US Gov website says that Lammy welcomed Blinken to London and mentioned that we are: 
  • coming to the third winter of "Putin's illegal war" and a critical moment to support Ukraine. Recalled the ITAR exemption of last month .  This is a trilateral agreement which facilitates easier trade and transfer of weapons, science & tech between AUKUS nations (UK, Australia, USA) .   Russia's war effort is assisted by China which produces machine tools and micro - electronics , and also by Iran which supplies missiles which US expects to be used against Ukraine within weeks. 
  • Desperately need a ceasefire in Gaza, and 
  • Climate Crisis - Mention of UNGA (United Nations General assembly which makes policy decisions about climate change).  The 79th session of UNGA is being held on Sept 10th 2024 in New York. Also mentioned COP 29 (Conference of Parties meeting number 29) which will take place on Nov 11 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan.  COP seeks to advance the 17 UN goals (particularly climate) and strengthen commitment and action in that regard. 
Scrolling down to about Para 21 on the webpage, Blinken comments: 
"the prime minister and David have made it a top priority to reset relations with Europe, including seeking closer UK-Europe cooperation through a wide-ranging UK-EU security pact.  We fully support these efforts."

In response to a Q from Reuters , Blinken said that UK PM & US president will discuss on Friday 13th Sept, the issue of permission to fire UK/US supplied weapons into mainland Russia. 

Joint visit to Ukraine Wed 11 Sept 2024 - UK Gov

The UK Gov website says that Lammy visited Kyiv on 11 Sept 2024 with Blinken to "demonstrate Western support for Ukraine's fight against Russian aggression."  They arrived by train and announced  £242 million pounds of support along with $484 million USDollars and military equipment.   Note that in July 2024 PM Kier Starmer committed to £3 BILLION every year for as long  as needed. 
uk gov
UK Gov 

The UK Gov website explains things that support money might be spent on in Ukraine. 

Al Mayadeen is a satellite news channel based in Beirut Lebanon.   reports that Ukraine is putting pressure on UK USA to allow use of weapons inside Russia.  Also says that Russia thinks Western nations may have already decided to allow ATACMS weapons to be so used. 
al mayadeen
Al Mayadeen 11 Sept 2024

Tass is a long established Russian state news agency which undoubtedly gives the Russian point of view (propaganda).  This blogger  won't post the links here because some readers might not have a VPN and anyway Google , facebook and Youtube always warn and restrict me when they detect attempts to look at Russian sites.    Tass News says that USA has decided to give permission to use weapons inside Russia.  And that Russia sees this as an escalation 

Pravda has long been known as the voice of the Russian communist party.  In today's report in their English news version they summarise information claimed to be from The Times of London citing UK Gov sources :   " the united states may change it's stance on the prohibition for Ukraine to use US weapons to strike deep in to Russian territory"

Islamic Republic News Agency is Iran's state news agency.  Reports that the Iranian Charge d'affaires in London has been summoned to the Uk foreign office over "unfounded allegations of Iran's involvement in the Ukraine conflict"  Iran now officially knows that they are are being accused of supplying missiles to Russia for use against Ukraine. 
Islamic republic of Iran News 11 Sept 2024

UK Foreign Office response 

Foreign Office
UK foreign Office 11 Sept 2024

Multiple reports about Iran missiles to Russia

This report from CNN (cable network news) in USA.  Says that the Russian registered General Cargo vessel "Port Olya 3" was used in August last year to transport ICBM missiles from Amirabad port (Iran) to Port Olya (Russia). 
CNN - 12 Sept  2024

Ukrainska Pravda (Ukraine Truth) is a Ukranian media outfit based in Kyiv.   On 11 Sept 2024 it adds that 225 Fath short range (75miles) missiles were transported from Iran to Russia .