Dutch Government closes farms

 In December 2022, this blog reported about the Dutch Government drastically reducing the number of farms and farmers in the Netherlands.   This comes at a time of increased stress on food security across the world.   See the earlier blog HERE.   The Dutch Government has said that there is a need to reduce nitrate and other pollution to soil and water. 

Dutch Farmers forced off farms (Farmers weekly)

There has been a suspicion that another reason might be the Dutch Government desire to aquire land so as to build a tri -state city.   The globalists want to move populations into large urban areas connected by rail and coach with no private car ownership.  In this dystopian view of the new world order,  farming will be very different and will be carried out in specially designed facilities similar to that envisaged by the new Saudi Arabian city, Neom. 

Neom - future food 

It'll be plants and insects that we eat.  These will all be grown in tiers of growing trays in science lab conditions.