Food numbers December 2022

Food numbers December 2022 look like a big risk to me:

Dutch farms

  • Statista tells us that there are 11000 farms in total in Holland (if you don't have a statista account then type into Google "number of arable farms in netherlands" ) and .......
  • According to the Dutch Government website (2nd paragraph when you click the link), the Netherlands is the second biggest exporter of agricultural produce in the world , and .........


How can you get rid of that much food production and there not be a major problem?    The trouble is, that world leaders and their peer group at the World Economic Forum seem to be vying with each other to show who can become the greenest first.  Mark Rutte, Jacinda Adern, Justin Trudeax, Rishi Sunak , Jerry Hunt  - your WEF Green policies are going too fast and will increase starvation.  

The Chinese and Russians understand very well the importance of control and security of food supply chains and we are already risking getting hard reminders in real time.  


I don't trust politicians to have thought enough about the effects on their own people in the UK,  and so I request that you all do the following if you are not already doing so: 

  • For farmers. growers - do you rely on any agri produce coming from holland ?  Please check continuity of supply and maybe plan to source stuff from UK or somewhere different (Icelandic greenhouses?). 
  • Everyone - write to MP and express concern for 2023 food security.
  • Everyone - Become a prepper - keep food stocks as high as you can afford and support local growers who will save our bacon as Europe (particularly Germany) descends into some sort dark ages chaos with no food or energy. 
Farm shops near meFarm shops near me.

If you are in the food industry and know that my concerns are totally unfounded and there's no risk to our plentiful supplies then I would be glad to hear from you . 

Defra comment

Defra noticed the chit chat across social media and posted an item about food security on their site on 6th Dec 2022.  They say that food supply and supply chains are robust .  They list measures put in place to  ensure that continues. 