Southwold connects to Dutch Tristate city

Southwold connects to Dutch Tristate city

A group of "institutional investors" including pension funds, property developers, and Utrecht Economic Board wants to build a Tristate city in the Benelux region.  The area has 30 million people in this "sustainable urban powerhouse"  according to the website. 

Dutch News

There appears to be a degree of suspicion that the money behind these Tristate city plans is the real reason behind the Dutch Government moves to get rid of it's farmers.  On 13 June 2022 The Peet Journal ran an article which posed the question: 

Peet Journal
If there is a crisis then Governments often bring in new powers .  In this case there is (useful for some?) nitrogen and soil crisis which means farming must be reduced by 2030.   This would just happen to make the land available for a tristate city according to the Rio Times 30 July 2022. 
Rio Times
Many Dutch farmers have protested because they see themselves as victims of climate globalists.

Power for the TriState City

A large urban population needs a lot of energy and there are plans to increase the offshore wind farms in Dutch and UK waters.  

wind farms
National Grid is working with the Dutch energy organisation to run a cable from the windfarms to the East Coast of UK at Southwold and other scenic areas as I described in my post 23 Nov 2022.  The consultation event was held today 30 Nov 2022 at the |Stella Peskett hall, Southwold.  So as we can see, world events sometimes do end up at our front doors.