War Warning


World War 3 started a while ago.  Western OECD countries especially USA, EU and UK need the wartime emergency powers to deal with the cluster crises. So lets start with arguable the nearest of the biggest crises,  and put some of the others in no particular order later on a separate blog.

World War 3 crisis: 

NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was formed after World War 2 as an anti Russian military alliance.  It faced off against Communist Soviet Union countries (Russia and the Warsaw Pact ).  On 9th Nov 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall signalled the re-unification of East & West Germany in to a single country, and  the collapse of the Soviet Union.  

Since that time, Russia has become surrounded by anti Russian former Soviet countries near it's border.  Countries joining NATO including Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and others. 

Remember that Article 5 NATO treaty is about collective defence:  An attack on one NATO country is considered to be an attack on all NATO countries. 

Fast forward now to 4th April 2023 Finland joins NATO, and NATO is supplying tanks weapons, intelligence, and experts to the corrupt Zelensky Ukrainian regime.

So now, just to cap it all off and make it even more certain that we go to war we have the announcement by Jens Stoltenburg (NATO secretary General).  Stoltenburg was at Ramstein airbase in Germany on 21st April 2023 and said that Zelensky will attend Nato summit in Vilnius , Lithuania on 11 July 2023.  He also said (video time about  2mins 50 seconds)

 "Ukraine's future is in the euro atlantic family . All NATO allies have agreed that Ukraine will become a NATO member.  The main focus now is how to ensure that Ukraine prevails  "


Given that Russia has already invaded Ukraine, then once Ukraine becomes a member of NATO (at the Nato summit in July 2023? ), surely it will it be considered an attack on all Nato members and we will be at war ?

Footnote:  There is a practice war warning at 3pm Sunday 23 April 2023.

Previous blog about the emergency warning. 

TRUMP - Military Industrial Complex

In 2019, Steve Hilton of Fox News interviewed President Trump in the Rose Garden.  Trump confirms that there is a military industrial complex in Washington that wants to perpetuate conflict.   In his usual style, he just came straight out with it: (See 4mins 20seconds on the Youtube video).

"Don't kid yourself.  You do have a military industrial complex. They do like war. In Syria with the caliphate, so I wipe out 100% of the caliphate .... I say I want to bring our troops back home .  The place went crazy. You have people here in Washington they never want to leave"

USA picks Ukraine candidates that it wants 

 In 2014 , A phone conversation was leaked to news media which was alleged to be assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland in conversation with US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt.  

In this Youtube video of the event,  USA side appears to be talking (planning?) to oust the elected president Viktor Yanukovych.  As the BBC analysis agrees, the USA had very clear ideas about what it thought the outcome should be (and they did NOT want Yanukovych because they regarded him as Russia's preferred candidate).  After that, YanuKovych was ousted.