Emergency alert

On Sunday 23rd April 2023 the UK Government is going to test the Emergency Alert Service on your mobile phone (cell phone). 

Emergency Alerts

Emergency Alerts will be sent by Emergency services or Government Departments (eg Ministry of Defence) , Your phone will make a siren sound and / or vibrate.

They can be used for flooding fires or weather says the Government .  But it would also be useful for wartime missile strikes , terrorist or sabotage type incidents.   It is noticeable that this system has been available for some time but not used.  So now this test is just in time for the spring offensive.

Spring offensive

The Russian offensive is stalled according to some reports .  Ukraine will have an offensive of it's own this spring as the weather warms and they try to cut off Russian held Crimea. 

Spring offensive

The emergency alert test comes after the UK Government decided to send armour piercing ammunition to Ukraine.  These rounds contain depleted uranium very effective against Russian tanks .  Yet another ramping up of the UK war mongering and undoubtedly part of Operation mobilise

Uranium armour piercing rounds

Also happening on the same day 

The London Marathon is also taking place on Sun 23 April 2023.  If you are taking part in the London Marathon event  then you may not notice the Emergency Alert.

London Marathon
Lonon Marathon 23 April 2023