Asylum numbers

 According to the House of Commons Library :

House of Commons LIbrary
    • In 2022, the annual number of asylum applications to the UK reached 74,751 applications, the highest annual number since 2002.
    • The 74,751 applications made in 2022 related to 89,398 individuals (main applicants and dependents)
    • For year ending June 2022, asylum seekers and refugees made up approx 18% of immigrants to the UK. This includes arrivals under the Ukraine schemes, the Afghan relocation and resettlement schemes, arrivals in small boats, other resettled persons and arrivals on family reunion visas (around 190,000 individuals in total). If including the British National (Overseas) scheme in the category of humanitarian routes, up to 25% of immigration in that year would fall into that category.
    • The percentage of asylum applicants refused at initial decision was 24% in 2022, its lowest point since 1990.
    • Between 2004 to 2021, around three-quarters of applicants refused asylum at initial decision lodged an appeal and almost one third of those appeals were allowed.

The UN manual on refugee protection indicates that the ECHR may be used to prevent the deportation of migrants from the UK.  Para 1.3 line 3  
"Article 3 has been interpreted by the Court as providing an effective means of protection against all forms of return to places where there is a risk that an individual would be subjected to torture, or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."

Many that arrive are looked after by contractors (see SERCO post)  whilst home office process applications.

There is currently a Bill going through Parliament to leave the ECHR.  This is because the Government feels that it's efforts to deport failed asylum seekers is thwarted by the ECHR. 

Leave ECHR Bill