Serco seeking landlords

Serco has a contract with UK Government


What is SERCO

Serco is a large multinational company that provides a range of services often for Governments.  You might find them in prisons and police stations , schools or hospitals . They take on Government contracts to do provide staff and services for everything from cooking and cleaning to property management , and test n trace for the NHS.  

AsylumAccommodation and Support Services Contract

Serco website says that they operate in most large towns across England and employ 380 staff.  Serco rents any properties they can find to house approx 25,000 asylum seekers at any one time.  They provide  transport (eg pedal cycles), phones, food, and pay the  Council Tax and Utility bills  which is free for the asylum seekers.  They provide long contracts of 5years or over for the property owners including property management service which is free for the owner. 

Calling all landlords

Serco says it currently has more than 7000 properties which it leases from landlords, with Serco acting as tenant.   It is looking for additional properties to lease. The benefits for a property owner would be 

  • Long term lease - 5yrs+ with no void periods.  No legal fees or registration fees.
  • Rent paid monthly on time wit no arrears
  • Property management - includes free monthly & periodic safety inspections, full repair & maintenance lease.

Serco lease

Serco say that they prefer to lease properties that are close to local services such as schools, health services, and transport links and not near pubs or clubs. 

Serco is seeking properties  across England including East Suffolk  and these will first  be submitted to Local Authority for consultation.