
 Click on the road map link to take you to the ukfires website.  make sure that you scroll down a bit to click the button that says "download the report"..  You get to a page where you see this picture .  Click on the file link just below the picture .  And Page 5 of that  "Absolute Zero" report is the summary  page.  

Absolute Zero
Absolute Zero report

This is what page 5 Summary of the Absolute Zero report looks like. 

UK Government works towards the 17 goals set by the UN and the World Economic Forum by enacting laws , for example:-

SDG 13 - Urgent Climb ate Action 

United Nations works with the World Economic Forum to achieve the 17 Sustainable development goals (SDG's). 

Goal number 13 calls for urgent action to combat climate change and it's impacts.   It is linked to all 16 of the other goals of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development .   Countries adopted the Paris agreement to try to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celcius

How Suffolk County Council works towards the UN 17 sustainable goals

Farming is the greatest threat.

George Monbiot tells us why FARMING is the greatest threat to life on Earth. 

Get rid of farming!  Clime ate Journalist George Monbiot on Youtube explains the problems of farming and water (lack of).

  It is quite a shock if this is the first time that you have listened to George Monbiot.  George  says that the way we farm is destroying the soil .  He adds a note of hope if we change our ways .  Think of Adnams brewing our food instead of beer. 

We are all going to fry and die. 

Bill Rees is emeritous prof of ecology.  It's easy to see his frustration on Youtube that not enough is being done to try to avoid climate catastrophe  .