A future for Adnams in fat and protein?

 There exisits the potential to take fat and protein production out of animal farming and in to a form of brewing instead. Imagine Adnams of Southwold brewing fat & protein in a  microbial fermentation which would use a fraction of the land, water, fertilizer etc of any farm. 
Brewing protein
Brewing fat and protein


Why we should change from farming to brewing

 George Monbiot is a writer and environmental activist.  On his twitter page he says that the greatest threat to life on Earth is ...... farming.  According to Monbiot, farming is the greatest cause of habitat destruction, the greatest cause of biodiversity loss and extinction, one of the greatest causes of climate breakdown, water pollution and water loss, and soil destruction.

Every hectare that is used for an extractive industry like farming, is land not used for forest, wetland, savannah and other habitats which are essential to prevent the collapse of our ecosystem.

Future projections for crop productivity are dependent on using more water for Irrigation.  Trouble is, there isn't any more water!  Irrigation water is already being used to the maximum.  Aquifers are shrinking because so much water is being drawn out of the ground. Global warming is causing mountain water held as snow & ice to recede. A huge arc of land from Portugal to Pakistan already risks becoming a desert.

Monbiot looks at brewing as an innovative way of helping to solve the problems.  He also suggests making more use of perrenial crops eg Kale, broccoli, asparagus, watercress which last from year to year.  This is better than annual crops which require ploughing up the ground each year and re-sowing with use of fertilisers and chemicals to kill other plants that might compete with them.  Already, the Land Institute in Kansas, and Yunnan university in China have developed strains of rice that have been harvested continuously for 6yrs and produce the same yield as annual rice. 

Land Institute perrenial rice

Another benefit of moving away from farming is the reduction of killing animals for food and the inevitable cruelty that this involves.

 What we need to do, says  George Monbiot, is move farm subsidies out of animal farming and use that public money to support these whole new ways of producing food.

Defra land management

You can see more of George Monbiot about these matters over on Youtube.   George Monbiot YouTube presentation : Why we have to stop farming animals .