Define Terrorism UK

In the UK, Terrorism is defined by the Terrorism Act 2000.  .  If you want to look at the legislation on the website then hit the link. 

Terrorism Act 2000

From the Mi5 site, The threat levels in the UK are graded as :

~ LOW                        attack highly unlikely
~MODERATE            attack possible but unlikely
~SEVERE                    attack highly likely
~CRITICAL                highly likely soon

The legislation provides the following definition of what terrorism is:

An offence of Terrorism is committed when  

Any action is used OR threatened to be used  which involves:
~Serious violence to people OR
~Person’s life endangered, OR
~Serious risk to public, OR
~Serious damage to property, OR
~Serious interference or serious disruption of an electronic system.

Which is designed to influence Government or intimidate the public

it’s for a political, OR religious , OR ideological cause


1) Terrorism is an anywhere offence . Can be committed anywhere in the world public or private . And  any of the elements (ie the actions, the persons or property, any Government) can be anywhere in the world .  
2) If it involves firearms or explosives then the box for “ designed to influence Gov or intimidate public” is automatically ticked . 

Two of the main offences:

The Crown prosecution Service outlines most of the offences relating to terrorism.  Two of the main ones are as follows.

Terrorism act 2006, Section 5. You commit an offence if you intend to commit an act of terrorism , or assist others to do so AND you engage in any conduct to prepare for it. 

Terrorism Act 2000 Section 58.  without reasonable excuse , collecting information likely to be useful to terrorists. This offence may apply to all those people on Youtube who go around filming / auditing  police and military installations and is one reason that police may approach them  .  The offence is to collect or record information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, or to possess a document or record containing such information.

A reasonable excuse includes eg Journalism or academic research , or didn't know that the document  or record contained info useful to a person committing or preparing terrorism.