Suffolk Police Race Action Plan

Suffolk Constables County magazine July 2024

One of the ways that Suffolk Police provide updates for the public is via their Constables County magazine .  This edition mentions the Suffolk Police Race Action Plan.

Constables County
Constables County July 2024


In the introduction, Chief Constable Rachel Kearton says:
"Nationally, the Police Race Action Plan has been in place for two years now – and not everyone is feeling that it has yet made the difference intended. That is reflected here in Suffolk. We need help with this and are now working closely with our new scrutiny panel to make the difference that matters. I am determined that in the next twelve months we will make significant progress."

Police Race Action Plan

The police race action plan was published in May 2022.   The plan seeks to address race disparities so that police service becomes anti-racist. 

college of policing
college of policing 24 May 2022
The first photos that you see if you download the plan are 2 male white Chief Constables . Anyway, a good summary of the plan is on page 20 .  It includes ideas such as
  • disparities between racial groups should be explained.  There will be a focus on lawfulness, proportionality, and necessity of use of police powers.  If disparities cannot be properly explained then the expectation is that policy or practices will change. 
  • All officers and staff to have mandatory training in history of policing black communities. 
  • Improve attraction retention and profession of black people in the police.

Suffolk Observatory 

Suffolk Observatory is a website with useful statistics for the County.  It shows that 93.1% of Suffolk people are white (708.271 people).  

Suffolk Observatory
Suffolk Observatory

Maths :  So if Suffolk has say 1000 police officers, then to represent Suffolk population, 931 of the officers can be white skinned, and 69 of them black skinned?  Half of that number ought to be women - say 35 of them .  Success is recognised when the current Chief hands her job over to a black woman ?  To this blogger , it looks like you would need to mentor and fast track all of them to have any chance of black representation across the ranks especially ACPO ranks.


Police UK site Show some stats for areas by typing in your postcode. Doesn't seem to give information about arrests, stop searches or anything about race . Not really too much about crime either .  Even my crime map at looks better.

Police UK

Most likely, in a year or so , the Chief Constable will report back to the public as to how the Race plans are going.