Kings Speech 2024

In the Uk, we have general elections every 5years .  There are 5 "sessions" of Parliament during that period so each session is about a year.    The first session after the general election starts with a ceremony called the  state opening of Parliament.  The King's speech is written by the Government of the day and read by the King.  It usually includes information about Government priorities , and what laws the Government intends to bring in . 

Kings Speech
Kings Speech 17 July 2024

  • Policies will be mission lead, based upon security fairness and opportunity.
  • Finances checked by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR). 
  • Prioritse wealth creation for all communities & Regions.  Planning reform to deliver infrastructure . 
  • New deal for workers and enhance employment rights. 
  • Greater devolution to drive economic growth. Local control of bus services.  reform railways.  Train operators in to public ownership.
  • Commit to Clean energy transition to lower energy bills.  Create Great British Energy (HQ in Scotland) and publicly owned.  Sustainable aviation fuel production.  Increase water reg power. 
  • New border security and enhanced powers. greater powers to police for anti social behaviour. Plans to halve violence against women. 
  •  remove vat exemption for private school fees
  • greater rights to renters , end no fault evictions, reform grounds for repossession. 
  • creation of ndependent football regulator
  • NHS care provided on need basis regardless of ability to pay
  • Mental health act modernised 
  • Restrict advertisng of junk food to children, restrict sale of energy drinks
  • Duty of candour for public servants
  • Race equality for equal pay
  • Council of nations - so that there is collaboration between devolved government and mayor of regions.
  • House of Lords reform to remove heriditory rights
  • Defence based on NATO values - human rights and rule of law.  Retain nukes. Carry out strategic defence review.  Continue support for Ukraine & support NATO membership.   New security pact with EU.   Support 2 state solution for Israel and a Palestinian state.