Update 19 July 2024 - UK Labour Government resumes UNRWA funding. 

A press release from UK Foreign Secretary MP David Lammy dated 19 July 2024 says that the new UK Labour Government is to resume funding to the UNRWA (united nations relief works agency)
FCDO 19 July 2024

UNWRA - HAMAS linkage:  Israeli National Digital Agency says that since the Israeli Defence Force began ops in Gaza, it says that it has intell that links UNWRA employess to HAMAS including military positions in that terror organisation.   Case 1:24-cv-04765 Document 1 Filed 06/24/24  167pages.

What does UNRWA say in response :   It says that it often works in places where there are nasty governments.  Also Israel hasn't provided any evidence and there is nothing to see here

Details of the allegations against UNRWA can be seen here .   This is a New York Court case where the court is told that members of UNWRA are in HAMAS terror group and were involved in Oct 7 2023 massacre of Israelis.

Earlier post 20th June 2024. 

Why Gaza UNRWA funding should not be restarted.

The islamic republic of Iran is a dangerous state that sponsors terrorism (US Dept of state). .  It provides funding for , and uses 3 military extremist groups as proxies in a war against the jews in Israel and against  Israel's Western Christian allies.   The groups are : 
  • Hezbollah - A shia moslim Group in Lebanon on Israel Northern border. Currently firing rockets in to Israel.  Israel preparing for war with them . 
  • Hamas  - A sunni islamist terror group in Gaza which is sponsored by Iran as described below .
  • Houthis - A shia islamist terror group based in Yemen and sponsored by Iran.  The group is responsible for firing rockets at shipping in the Red Sea including US Navy and Royal Navy. This is choking off the main supply route for food, commodities and other goods to the UK and Europe , which means they are forced to travel the long route around South Africa. 
What sort of people are these groups?   The punishment by all of these groups for being homosexual is death. 

Harakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah (Hamas) 
The UK Gov says that Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation . It's "official" aim was originally to destroy Israel  (US director of intelligence).  However, officially it has dropped that particular aim most likely because it would make things difficult for some countries who may want to give humanitarian help  (eg Turkiye). 

Hamas is proscribed because they use serious violence for their political , religious and ideological cause. They fire rockets and bombs into Israel and are responsible for the most deadly terrorist attack (No. of fatalities per capita) which took place on Oct 7 2023 (CSIS)

Hamas brutally murdered 1200 people in cold blood on Oct 7 2023 ( Israeli minister of foreign affairs Lior Haiat posting on "X" Nov 10 2023). 

Who funds Hamas?

According to the US Dept of Treasury :
"Hamas uses the Lebanon-based money exchange company Nabil Chouman & Co (Chouman) to transfer money from Iran to Gaza. For several years, the company has served as a conduit for transferring funds to Hamas, transferring tens of millions of dollars to the terrorist organization.14 Nov 2023"

Hamas has ruled the gaza strip since 2007

AP news is an US based international news agency. 

AP news 15 Oct 2023

NPR is a US based national public radio .   UNWRA funding was withdrawn after charges that employees were involved in the Oct 7 attack. 

Times of Israel - It  is impossible to say where UNWRA ends and Hamas begins . 

USE COMMON SENSE =    What are you as a hungry Gaza resident, going to say to a Hamas extremist with an assault rifle who just took your UNWRA beans and bread? How is anyone going to carry out any proper investigation in a conflict zone governed by a terrorist organisation !   In any conflict, Gaza is going to be on the side of Russia, China, and Iran. 

Any sort of support that reaches terror groups is effectively funding bullets bombs and missile being used against British soldiers and sailors in the Red Sea and elsewhere. 

Having read all of the above, we can see the sort of decisions that a Green Lib Dem administration would put in place.   This is from Green Lib Dem East Suffolk Dis Council. 

Support for terror.  With our grandfathers having saved them from the gas chambers in the 2nd World War, the Jews cannot now walk safely through the streets of our capital city. It is shameful and appalling.   

UNRWA facing complaint in New York Court . 

Complaint New york court -  UNWRA aid goes to Hamas. 

UN watch  - organisation