Southwold Caravan Site

 Southwold Caravan site is part of the Harbour lands which belongs to East Suffolk District Council.

According to Environment Agency, the land is in flood zone 3.  This means that it has a high probability of flooding from rivers and sea. 

Environment Agency - Flood risk Southwold

Also , if you go to the EA long term flood risk page and search  IP18 6ND (Southwold Caravan site , Ferry Road, Southwold)  , it shows similar information: 

ferry road
Long term flood risk Ferry Road

Sea level rise 

Have a look at the webpage of  Houses of Parliament (office of science & technology). They say rate of sea level rise is about 3mm per year (first page , right hand side , under subheading "current trends in global mean sea level".

Houses of Parliament
Sea level rise 3mm per year

So, by 2050, the sea level rise might be 26yrs x 3mm = 78mm (3.1inches).  Some estimates say that it may be a bit higher.

met office  - Agrees with 3mm rise but points out potential acceleration and ice cap melt if we don't reach net zero (sounds completely crazy ). 

Climate central - the map that people love to use to terrify children into becoming wooden hut dwelling vegetarian cyclists wearing only cotton clothing. Shows possible flood level in 2050.  

Other factors

Western leaders agreed (in Rio & Paris and elsewhere) to bring in new UN progressive social justice ideas linked to climate change.  UK Gov, County & District Councils in Suffolk, and major investors (eg foundations , and others) are all on board , together with big corporations .

@FatEmperor on X

HOWEVER , much of the planet is NOT going along with this stuff. They will continue doing the things that they need to do for their economies and development.  Any number of reports from across the world show this to be true. 

Table Media re India - coal burning increases and reaches record levels. 

Centre for research on Energy - coal fire power stations increase in China.

Forbes re German coal - Germany is re-opening coal fired power stations

BBC - BRICS countries try to set up their own system to rival power of West. 

Level of conflict and uncertainty in the world has also increased . Eg  Ukraine / Red Sea. 

Options for Southwold caravan site

Climate alarmists option  - If you really believe that there is an "emergency" climate change boiling sea level rise that is melting the polar ice caps then maybe don't spend money on Southwold Caravan Site because it'll be underwater .   Spend funds on much needed housing inland on higher ground instead. 

Climate denier option - climate is nonsense. There's always been a flood risk. Therefore as much money as possible should be used to defend Southwold Harbour and adjacent coast.

Pragmatic option - We should be Ok for 20 or 30yrs so just spend enough to keep things ticking over for the time being, and accept that it'll eventually be lost to the sea.