Carbon Offsetting

Carbon Offsetting is the system which will drive the Net Zero transition. This is because it calculates the amount of Carbon linked to everyone and everything, and so with that knowledge, governments will be able to set emission rules, set personal emission limits and make policies towards emission goals.  

uk parliament
Carbon Offsetting 24 Jan 2024

A trading scheme for business emissions already exists and also a system of buying carbon credits to offset eg the emissions you cause by taking a flight.   Don't plant trees though says a man who probably knows (Bill Gates). 

observer bill gates
New York Times Climate Forward Summit 

Then in the next year or two (according to Reuters),  Central Bank Digital Currencies will be introduced.   Central banks will know every single  financial transaction that you ever make.    So, when you buy that beefburger from the local fast foods drive through, government will know that you effectively emitted 9.73kg of CO2 .  And your car emitted 0.4kg CO2  per mile to get you to the drive through.  

reuters CBDC
Reuters 26 March 2024 CDBC

Complete control could then be achieved.  In the near future, gov could increase carbon tax on meats, and put a cap on max personal carbon emissions.  So if you go to the drivethrough say 3 times a month , the tax on the third burger for you might be x10 of the first burger. And if you try to exceed the limit , your CBDC digital pound will be restricted and you can only spend it on say a salad, or spend digital £'s in a certain postcode area. 

Note:  Didnt the Soviet Union used to have a single bank (Gosbank)? 

History of Carbon Doxide levels

  • 4.54 billion years ago -  Around the time of Earth's formation - mainly Helium and Hydrogen which escaped into space.   Then,    there were volcanic emissions and formation of gassy blanket of water steam, carbon dioxide and ammonia over shallow seas. 
  • 2.4 billion years ago CO2 dissolving into the shallow ocean.  Cyanobacteria start photosynthesis which takes in CO2 and gives off Oxygen.  The Oxygen accumulates and kills off most micro organisms which existed at that time. 
  • Ordovicial period (about 500 Million years ago) , scientists estimate that CO2 levels were an extremely high 3000 - 9000 parts per million. Temperature was only about 10 deg Celcius higher than today due to Earth orbital cycles and Sun was cooler. 
  • 300 million years ago -CO2 levels vary depending amounts captured by plants or buried in sediments versus the emissions of volcanic activity and decomposition.  The downward trend in CO2 levels to 500ppm lead to a period of glaciation.  This changed because of volcanic activity which raised levels up to 1000ppm before gradually reducing to about 400ppm about 3 to 5million years ago.Temperature was 2 - 3.5 deg celcius higher than the pre industrial period 
  • Air bubbles in polar ice cores show CO2 levels going back over the past 800,000 years as being between 180 to 300ppm until the industrial revolution (about year 1750).  Since that time CO2 levels have risen to about  425ppm.   which is roughly 0.04% of the atmosphere. 
Alert - Authorities seem to have "revised" the way they calculate CO2 which they seem to  say gives a small immediate apparent rise in CO2 levels .  I have tried to read about it but with my handful of O levels I don't understand it all. It just makes me slightly suspicious. 

History of why we are transitioning to this Net Zero emission system.

To understand how we got here, you need to watch or read about "The Men Who Built America" (usually available with Amazon Prime) .  The names will be familiar to many :  Vanderbilt, Rockerfeller, Carnegie , JP Morgan, Henry Ford. Each of them had more wealth than whole countries.  They wanted their names to continue after they had gone, and they felt that as governments couldn't sort out the world's problems, that it was down to them to do so. 

So, they set up foundations in their names (eg Ford) and particularly Rockerfeller was influential in the setup of League of Nations which susequently became the UN. And since June 2013, the UN has had an arrangement with the World Ec%n0mic F#rum to help achieve the 17Goals which are all linked. So for example a change in climate can affect human health which means people need to migrate and requires open borders for refugees. 

The foundations and other investors (eg blackrock & vanguard) set the DEI and ESG rules that must be adhered to if you want any money .  So now you know why for example , every film and advert seems to start with a mixed race couple in bed , who have a red hair kid who's teacher is a gay person in a wheelchair. 
Ford Foundation website

World leaders felt that only a small number of issues would get enough agreement to bring in globalism (one world government ) and drive change.  The issues are : 

World leaders (mainly Western countries principally USA want to break down the global architecture (including finance ) that has been in place since the second world war.   .  The spanner in the works is that Brazil, Russia , India , China , South Africa and others  don't agree with many aspects of the plans and have formed
BRICS with the idea that currency will be gold based rather than the imaginary wealth that the West uses (fiat currency).  They prefer a multi polar world. 

To this blogger , it looks as though the climate change that is happening, is being used as a vehicle or a trojan horse to bring in some policies with which a signifcant proportion of the population might well not agree with.