USA 2024 Election

The next election for the President of the USA is due to take place on Tuesday 5th November 2024. As at today 29 Dec 2023, it looks like it will be a re run of the 2020 election Donald Trump v Joe Biden.  Whoever wins will be sworn in (inaugurated) on Mon 20 Jan 2025, and serve a term of 4yrs.

Colonel (retired) Douglas Macgregor is a former advisor to the Secretary of Defense in the USA Trump administration . He is the author of several books about the state of the USA and the wars in Israel and Ukraine.   

Macgregor can be seen on Tik Tok giving his opinion of the USA elections 2024 and the same video on Twitter (X) by Jennifer Arcuri

Col (rtrd) Douglas Macgregor - 28/12/2023 Twitter

MacGregor thinks it unlikely that the USA will get to the next (2024) presidential election because things will "implode in Washington" before then.  He goes on to list the reasons:

  • Economic financial position is fragile with the USA borrowing Trillions.  As former US president Ronald Regan said - "A Million dollars is a stack of $1000 dollar bills in your hand 4inches high".    A Trillion  dollars would make that stack 67 miles high.   The USA now borrows more each year than it makes . 
  • Banks will likely close for 2 or 3 weeks and people won't be able to access their money.  This usually happens when banks are in trouble (eg Cyprus 2020) or when currencies are changed or introduced (eg CBDC's)
  • Increasing violence in US cities will spill over to other parts of society who currently feel that they live away from it. Note from editor:  the general trend since about 1990 according to statista seems to be down. Although it may also be fair to say that there has been a recent elevation of (especially violent) crime.
  • Ukraine will catastrophically lose the war and this will adversely affect USA .

In addition to the above , there is the real risk of a cyber attack and or internet shutdown especialy as the USA election approaches.  The Russians will of course be blamed (false flag event). 

Interviews with Douglas Macgregor can easily found by typing his name on most social media platforms. 

Youtube -  many Macgregor videos about current geopolitical and military events . He tends to be pro Putin.

Twitter (X) - Maajid Nawaz grabs the video. 

Twitter (X) - Macgregor tweets. 

Facebook - Macgregors page.

If you are a prepper then this is how you might prepare 

Spread financial risk according to your means.  A bit more cash out of the bank.  Silver or gold coins, or maybe purchase property / land or artwork. .

Stock up on useable long lasting foods (tinned or dried) .  Have a method of filtering water (from any camping shop).

Buy a camping battery if you can afford it capable of coping with 2000watt kettle . Or else stock up on re-chargeable batteries.

After a cyber aattack, and with no internet , you might need books.  Maybe an encyclopedia , and books on gardening and DIY.