Homburg: No more deaths than usual in Germany

 Stefan Homburg is a German Professor who studied economics, philosophy and maths at Cologne University.  He is a well known academic who has expressed strong non-mainstream views about disease-C-O-V1d.   Homburg speaks about Germany and says 

  1. German Ministry of Health  reports Hospital occupancy in Germany in 2020 fell to an all time low.
  2. Robert Kosch Institute reports that there were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in Germany in 2020 and 2021 .  Corona came and influenza disappeared. 
  3. Federal stats office reports that age standardised mortality was not higher than usual in Germany in 2020. Mortality has only increased since 2021.
  4. People who died with or from Corona V. were on average aged 83yrs. People who died from something else average age was 82yrs. 
  5. WHO reports that Sweden with no masks or lockdowns fared better than Germany. 

Premiered on 20 Nov 2023 DEUTSCHER BUNDESTAG

In terms of illnesses and deaths , there was nothing special . It was all normal .  The idea of "pandemic" arose from new types of mass testing without cause which resulted in fluctuating results.   Any Government could create an illusion if they wanted to, and the public were lead to believe that there were far more deaths than usual , which was not true. 

Language not heard in Germany for 75years

Politicians reacted to this normal clinical situation by closing day care, churches, schools, businesses and stores for months.  Elderly were isolated and died alone. Businesses were destroyed.  Police hunted down young people outside, and children playing in the snow . Police beat up peaceful demonstrators. Politicians marginalized those who questioned the justification for such meaures.  Public  TV announced that children were virus carrying rats. 

Almost every known critic of the measures was criminalised, suspended, dismissed, arrested or subjected to house searches.  Media read out test figures without mentioning that the clinical situation was normal. Strangely , epidemiologists and public health doctors disappeared from the public scene to be replaced by physicists, traffic planners, microbiologists and military experts.  These people kept the public in suspense with false forecasts and models calculations. 

Prof Puschel was the first to perform autopsies and was dubbed a racist for his findings. 

Prof Klaus Puschel Hamburg forensic medical department was quoted in the German (Hamburg)  mopo.de publication.

mopo.de 20 April 2020