Suffolk County Council keeps meat on the menu

What did Suffolk County Council say?

The Council wrote a paragraph or two for their agenda on Thurs 19 Oct 2023.  This was about something they want to say publicly, and vote on it so  that we all know what the County Council views are.  This is called a "motion".  

Meat still on the menu at Suffolk County Council

This particular motion at item number 7 on their agenda was all about how they like local farmers who grow our food and look after the environment .  The motion also said that the Council would like whenever possible to buy local produce. Then,  with virtue signalling vegetarianism coming in to fashion , the Council felt it necessary to write that they want to keep meat & dairy on the menu as well as plant based options. 

So then a vote was taken.  As the majority of Councillors agreed with the motion and voted for it, then it formally became a view or policy of the Council . 

Why did they have a vote on this motion?

No surprises - it's to do with the drive to get all Carbon Dioxide emissions down to zero (Net Zero) by 2030.  Transport and Agriculture sectors are 2 of the top emitters of carbon dioxide (CO2) according to many sources eg OurWorldInData.  This drive for Net Zero seems to be coming from a globalist cabal which includes organisations like the United Nations with it's 17 sustainable goals.  Also  the wealthy foundations ( eg system disruptors like Ford foundation). 

Political and financial pressure comes to bear down on Governments and Councils who  therefore try to think of ways to reduce emissions in say Agriculture.  They are also aware of Green thinkers like George Monbiot.  Here is George on Youtube explaining why  Farming is the greatest threat to life on Earth . 

Other side of the arguement

Governments and Councils also know that many people love eating meat and do not want to be co-erced in to being vegan or buying expensive electric vehicle etc. .  Most of the planet eg China, India and Russia are not going along with the Western changes to society, industry, and finance. 

So anyway now you maybe have an idea of why Suffolk County Council voted on this motion.  They want to try to keep the meat eating voters as well as the Green nut roast eaters.  

About Suffolk County Council

Suffolk County Council has a Conservative majority

            Conservative: 53
  • Green: 9

  • Independent: 2

  • Labour: 5

  • Liberal Democrat: 5

  • West Suffolk Independents: 1

You can see the Suffolk County Council calendar of meetings on their website:  Calendar.   The last full meeting was Thursday 19th October 2023:    Youtube Suffolk County Council meeting recorded live.

The meeting was also reported by the BBC. 

BBC Suffolk
BBC reporting SCC meeting 19Oct 2023

Next County elections

The next County Council election will be Thursday 1st May 2025.  Your choice of who to vote for will no doubt be :
  • Net Zero (Conservative)
  • More Net Zero (Labour)
  • Ultimate Net Zero (green / Lid dem)
  • No hopers (Reform / Reclaim / Heritage parties).