Liars allegation EADT

EADT 31 Aug 2023
 The East Anglian Daily Times (EADT) recently created a story out of a tweet about liars allegation including MP Therese Coffey.    But it didn't really explain enough of the story.

The 31st Aug 2023 edition of the paper brought our attention to a tweet by  the RSPB in which the RSPB calls Coffey and others liars. 

RSPB tweet 

The  reason for the Government ammending the EU nutrient neutrality rules, appears to be the concern that the rules would prevent the building of the thousands of homes urgently needed across the country, to house British people and also migrants. 

Social Housing
Social housing publication 30 Aug 2023

You can see from this article by Norwich City Council that nutrient neutrality rules could potentially thwart new housing developments in many areas of Norfolk and Suffolk. 

Norwich city council - nutrient neutrality

Politicians need to be allowed to react to new information and circumstances.  But also, a tried and tested trick in Western democracies is to make a rule or law, and then amend it a short time afterwards in a way which everyone knew wouldn't be popular if public were aware of it in the first place.