Ukraine War


Viktor Orban is Prime Minister of Hungary which is next door to Ukraine. On 29th August he spoke with Tucker Carlson on X (Twitter). Says Ukraine cannot win war . 1000's dying and Russia has far more soldiers. Only Trump as president of USA will stop the war. Ukraine should not have NATO membership. Western intellectuals have their own liberal ideology . But in Hungary Most important things are freedom family , Nation, and God. Conventionally, NATO is far stronger than Russia. Some NATO members want to crush Russia. 

Viktor Orban PM of Hungary on X
Viktor Orban PM of Hungary on X

Poland deploys troops to Belarus border 

Polish Minister of National Defence is Mariusz Blaszczak.  On 12th Aug 2023 he announced Operation RENGAW.  This is an operation to train 4000 polish soldiers in the field on the border with Belarus which is seen as an aggressor and ally of Russia.   It will include Polish reservists from various parts of Poland. The minister mentioned Russian .propaganda and also the recent arrival of Wagner group fighters on the Belarus side, 

Polish Gov - Operation RENGAW

Reuters had also earlier mentioned movement of troops to the Polish border and reported that there is a history of animosity between the countries. 

On 7 Aug 2023 , the The Guardian reported that tensions were rising as Belarus began military excercises near the polish and Lithuanian border. 

Ukraine War - USA reservists authorised.

The Politico website reports that US president Joe Biden has authorised the military to call up 3000 reservists. 
Ukraine War
13 July 2023 : Politico: USA reservists authorised.

This represents another small step towards a world war NATO v Russia and follows the authorisation of use of cluster weapons , and the agreement that Ukraine should eventually join NATO. 

Tobias Ellwood we are now at war

Tobias Ellwood is a former soldier, and is a Conservative MP , and chairs the Defence select Committee. 

Tobias Ellwood "we are now at war in Europe . need to move to a war footing"  

Tobias Ellwood on Sky News 3 Feb 2023

Trump - I will end the war in 24hrs

Earlier this year 2023, Trump spoke on Youtube with Nigel Farage about ending the Ukraine war. He said that he if he were in office again as president, would be able to end the war in 24hrs 

Warning signals April 23 

A warning signal was held on April 23rd 2023. it is part of preparations for if the Ukraine War comes to the UK (ie attacks by Russia on the British mainland.)  Next we can expect call ups and conscription in to the armed forces.  We are also at risk of food rationing and all for an un necessary war with Russia. 

This report from Force Index website is one of many Google search results that shows that UK is now sending depleted Uranium ammunition to Ukraine .  The UK announcement was made on March 20th 2023 and comes after the UK promised to supply challenger tanks.

Force Index website - UK depleted Uranium

Also, you can see the long term effects of depleted uranium on children by clicking this Al-Jazeera report from a previous war in Iraq. (warning -contains sickening graphic photos )

David Kurten Heritage Party

David Kurten is leader of the Heritage Party on GB News explains why it is an un-necessary war

David Kurten (Heritage Party) on GB News.

Conflict started in 2014 , Then there was a Minsk agreements between Nato powers and Russia and Ukraine to give Crimea autonomy,  as well as autonomy to Russian people in the Donbas.  

Then you had the Poroshenko regime and then the Zelensky regime.   Afterwards, Ukraine had been bombing and shelling Donbas for 8 years with 14000 people being killed. Putin has said that he has gone in to protect Russians from Ukrainians who are being armed and supplied by NATO.  NATO is a military alliance against Russia.

Billions  of £GBP is being sent to Ukraine at a time of great need here in the UK. UK Government should sort out home problems.

Joe Biden's  administration in the USA needs Russia to be the bad guy for a basket of reason including:

  • Allegations by the Biden administration (with no evidence) that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to try to influence elections.  
David Kurten speaking on Russian TV (not allowed to be broadcast in the UK)
David Kurten leader of the Heritage party took part in a discussion on Russian TV :

Drums of war here. Friends elsewhere. 

The drums of war are beating in London , Washington and Brussels.  But elsewhere, people are making friends.  Most Westerners will have some idea of the Catholic / Protestant schism.  Likewise, there has for years been differences between (mainly) Saudi Sunni Muslims and iranian Shia Muslims.  But this week we saw a handshake and exchange of ambassadors between Saudi Arabia and Iran.   Another sign of how weak the West has become is that this was brokered by China.   This report from Al Jazeera English on their Youtube channel: 

EU sanctions itself. USA makes a profit. 

  • The EU has imposed sanctions on itself by not buying cheap Russian gas.
  •  Our "ally" the USA is selling the replacement Liquid Petroleum Gas as several times the price of Nordstream pipeline gas. 
  • Biden promised to "bring an end to it"  even though Nordstream belonged to his ally Germany standing right beside him.  See time 1min 35seconds on the YouTube video;

  • It is in the interests of the USA to keep EU and Russia weak and it will result in a severe contraction of all of Europe's economies


  • People can look at the open borders of the UK and USA and then wonder why so much money and human life is being wasted on a border dispute in Ukraine. 

US Tanks and equipment in Poland. 

twitter account @balt_security  dated 22nd Feb 2023 shows US tanks and equipment at the Polish port of Gdynia being "redeployed to continental USA"  . The desert colours are noticeable .  If the port really is Gdynia, then what is really happening ?  Arriving?  Or departing?  Other posts in the thread suggest that this equipment has already been replaced . 

China warns of potential conflict

Financial Times carried an article on 7 March about the growing preparations for war. 
Financial times

Russian subs off US coast

From the US Newsweek online magazine.  Russian activity increased off the US coast as Russia starts enlarging it's fleet.

Newsweek US magazine

 Neil McCoy-Ward 9th March 2023

Neil McCoy-Ward has a regular show on YouTube.  He is a former soldier .  Now an investor and something of a prepper: 

Peter Zeihan Geoplitical Analyst

Peter Zeihan explains that there are geographic gaps around Russia through which enemies could roll their tanks at great speed.  Russia has only been able to stop enemies if it controls these gaps which are in the former Soviet states of Poland Latvia Estonia Lithuania, Romania.  So he believes that Russia would not stop at Ukraine but go on to take the other countries.



Boris Johnson at Atlantic Council in USA

At the USA Atlantic Council on 1 Feb 2023, Boris Johnson urges Biden administration to continue to support Ukraine . When we get Ukraine back we will lift the threat of Russian aggression in Georgia, Moldovia and the Baltic states he told them. 

Boris Johnson at Atlantic Council Feb 2023


Colonel Douglas Macgregor

Redacted You Tube Channel : Ukraine will become a member of NATO (Nato secretary Jens Stoltenburg). Retired US Colonel Douglas Macgregor says Ukraine has been destroyed.

MacGregor also spoke to Neil Oliver on GB news (twitter)  - English speaking countries have installed a regime in Kiev that is anti Russian. The Russians are now fighting for their existence. It is a catastrophe for NATO.

Col MacGegor US Army (rtrd)

Scott Ritter

Scott Ritter is a former US marine Corps intelligence officer .  He can now be found on RUMBLE.  and often speaks about the Ukraine conflict.

Scott Ritter