Europe sanctions itself

  • Europe has imposed sanctions on itself by not buying cheap Russian gas.
  •  Our "ally" the USA is selling the replacement Liquid Petroleum Gas as several times the price of Nordstream pipeline gas. 
  • Biden promised to "bring an end to it"  even though Nordstream belonged to his ally Germany standing right beside him.  See time 1min 35seconds on the YouTube video;

  • It is in the interests of the USA to keep EU and Russia weak and it will result in a severe contraction of all of Europe's economies .  This is another disaster brought about by the policies of the Biden administration. 


  • People can look at the open borders of the UK and USA and then wonder why so much money and human life is being wasted on a border dispute in Ukraine. 

The German state owned news organisation DW has a report which expresses the very real consequences of the sanctions, and close down of cheap Russian Gas on German industry.  German industry is being destroyed.  

DW news: German industry destroyed