
 In his YouTube video (7mins 58seconds), Dr John Campbell shows Australian Senator Gerard Rennick speaking on 2nd August 2022.   Rennick says that Queensland has had 10,000 cases of Covid 19 in last 6 months. He thinks that this shows vaccines are ineffective and Mrna reaches the vital organs rather than stopping transmission of the virus. 


Gerrard Rennick explains that Covid virus has 29 protein molecules in it .  The active ingredient in it is an ionised molecule (a molecule with a tiny electric charge).  The ionised electric charge makes it stick to healthy cells to infect them and cause disease using a spiked protein. 

Normally, a vaccine, is a virus that has been attenuated (ie weakened) by removing the ionised molecule. The antibodies (friendly soldier proteins in humans) can then identify enemy bacteria & Virus by attaching to the antigen (the bit of the virus or bacteria that marks it as an enemy). 

There are still 28 molecules left in the vaccine which makes it too big to pass through the endothelium (the layer of cells that line the blood vessels , and form a barrier between your muscle tissue and blood vessels).

The Mrna vaccine is able to deliver a lipid (fatty acid) nano particle through the endothelium because it is smaller than the virus by a factor of about x1000. A benign substance called Luciferase is able to do this too and it is Luciferase that was added as a marker in the Mrna vaccine to carry out tests on lab rates. 

The Australian TGA (Theraputic Goods Administration) tested Luciferase on rats.  They found that it travels throughout the body to all vital organs, and does not remain at the injection site . Gerrard Rennick obtained these details from the TGA nonclinical evaluation report page 45 Table number 4. 

nonclinical evaluation report
nonclinical evaluation report

To take the lab rat ovaries as an example (half way down the table 4-2),  it shows that the concentration has increased significantly in 48hrs. 

Senator Rennick comments that what is scary is that approx half the vaccine in the lipid nano particles go in to the organs and does not remain at the jab site. In the rat trials it was increasing in concentration after 48hrs , and so they STOPPED THE TRIALS! Surely the trial should have been continued to discover how long it took for the lipid nano particles to leave the body?

The TGA nonclinical report says that they never tested the distribution and degradation of spiked proteins in any humans or animals before they rolled it out. 

How Covid infects humans

You inhale it in and the mucous in you airways has a blood protein called immunoglobulin A that tries to kill it. If Covid gets past that in to your blood system then immunoglobulin G takes up the fight against the invader. Whilst that is going on the Covid uses a protein called an ACE2 receptor to try to provide an entry point for itself in to human cells. 

The Mrna vaccine obviously dodges the immunoglobulin A response by virtue of having been injected in to your arm. It then delivers the fatty acid nano particle by a process of transfection (a bit like cooking sausages on a bar-b-q and you see blobs of fat merge together). There is no barrier to this vaccine going in to any cell because of the way it has been designed.  Once inside the cell it goes in to the ribosome which causes the ribosome to produce a protein. This is done in an unregulated way (ie you don't know how big any body response will be). 

Rennick comments : If it goes wrong you don't want your own body attacking your own cells. 

Also, when authorities said at one point that the Mrna vaccine was going to stop transmission, that was a blatant lie because you need the immunoglobulin A response to kill the actual virus in the mucous system. If you don't kill it in the mucous airway system then it'll be breathed out and transmitted. 

The paper showed that there was an immunoglobulin response for up to 35 days in mice.