Excess deaths and vaccinations

 In Feb 2023, Australian Health Minister  Katy Gallagher answered questions (YouTube video time 1min 58secs) from Senator Ralph Babet about what is causing excess deaths
  • Gallagher acknowledged that there is an increase in excess deaths caused by Covid-19.  Also, Increases in deaths from a range of other causes not related to Covid-19 had been observed in 2022.  These causes include dementia, Alzheimers (21.8% above baseline in year to June 2022).
  • Important to note that proportion of Covid-19 deaths in relation to overall number of cases has decreased overall which highlights the positive impact of health measures of the changes in transmission, the vaccination and the reduced severity of the Omicron variant and sub variants.
Senator Babet noted that Gallagher had not mentioned other possible causes such as myocarditus & pericarditus (heart issues). He asked "is the Government confident that none of this is because of the Mrna injection?" Minister Gallagher made the point that:
  • Australian authorities are confident that the Mrna vaccine is safe. Myocarditus & pericarditus are side effects of bad cases of Covid-19 virus.  The data shows that if people haven't had a vaccine then they are much more likely to end up in ICU or passing away. 
Babet then asked why information to support this claim (that Mrna is safe & effective) has not been released by ATAGI (Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation). Gallagher reply: 
  • It is actually the TGA (Theraputics Goods Administration) who regularly publish adverse events relating to vaccination status in Australia. 
  • People are entitled to get advice from their own health professional about whether the vaccine is safe for them . 
  • People should remain up to date and take 5th dose because it is a community responsibility to be vaccinated.  It's about keeping other people safe not just yourself.
Dr John Campbell expresses incredulity that a minister should claim that being vaccinated protects other people from infection as we know this does not work (YouTube video time 7mins 9seconds) . 

With thanks to Dr John Campbell.