JVCI press release vaccine policy

Context - there's money involved. 

First thing to know is : The British medical Journal commented on money from drugs companies which funds the agencies that regulate them: The BMJ says in Para 6

  " industry money permeates the globe’s leading regulators, raising questions about their independence, especially in the wake of a string of drug and device scandals."

So now, if you scroll down the page to heading Industry Fees, and look for Table 1 (You have to click the pop up to view it) . 

Funding for the health regulators

You can see that the Australian regulator gets 96% of it's funding from the drugs industry. Europe 89%, UK 86%, japan 85%, USA only 65%. 

The JVCI Press release 

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and immunisation is a group of doctors and professors who meet about 3 times a year.  the group advises UK health departments on immunisation.  Have a look at the gobbledegook. 

JVCI vaccine jab
JVCI issues press release 25Jan 2023

Change of policy 

What it means is that from 12th Feb 2023, healthy under 50year olds won't be eligible for COVID vaccination (9th paragraph). 

Excess deaths 

According to experts such as Dr John Campbell.  It is odd that there is nothing said about side effects , no discussion of change of risk benefit analysis,  and NO MENTION OF EXCESS DEATHS (euromomo week 3 bulletin). 

Some might think this is a sensible targeting of resources as we move to endemicity.  Cynics might suggest that it is frantic back peddling. 

On a different page, there is mention of "rare" side effects:

rare side effects
rare side effects

At the moment, in the UK , the advice is to take your healthy say 5 year old kid to a medical professional and they will inject it with mRNA vaccine.  On YouTube at least, there is a total ban on anyone disagreeing with this position. 

Denmark leads the way - in English .

The Danish policy shows that they are more nimble and evidence based that the UK.  Jabs are for over 50's and at-risk groups. 

Danish jabs policy Jan 2023
Danish jabs policy

With thanks to Dr John Campbell.