Excess deaths

Dr John Campbell raises concerns about stroke in relation to Pfizer mRNA vaccine :

Federal drug administration looks at concerns over strokes on people over 65yrs being related to vaccines: 


If you look at the CDC / FDA paper , then the third para seems a bit odd

"Following the availability and use of the updated (bivalent) COVID-19 vaccines, CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a near real-time surveillance system, met the statistical criteria to prompt additional investigation into whether there was a safety concern for ischemic stroke in people ages 65 and older who received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent. Rapid-response investigation of the signal in the VSD raised a question of whether people 65 and older who have received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent were more likely to have an ischemic stroke in the 21 days following vaccination compared with days 22-42 following vaccination."

Dr Campbell question why compare the first 21days with days 22-42?  There is no explanation for this. 

Recent Excess Deaths 

Excess Deaths ONS
Main Points Para 5

Have a look at Main Points , 5th Para. 

  • "The number of deaths was above the five-year average in private homes (36.9% above, 684 excess deaths), hospitals (14.8% above, 537 excess deaths), care homes (20.4% above; 371 excess deaths) and other settings (0.2% above, 1 excess death) in Week 52 in England and Wales."

Stowmarket Suffolk Death by vaccine

A man died of a blood clot that was a "direct result" of having the AstraZeneca Covid jab, a coroner said.......... Senior coroner Nigel Parsley recorded a narrative conclusion at Suffolk Coroner's Court."

Dr John Campbell

Dr John Campbell is well known for his YouTube channel aimed at explaining current medical issues.  In this video he is in conversation with Professor Robert Clancy.  Clancy is an emeritus professor of pathology, and consultant physician.

The context of this is that the Moderna company is partnering with: 
  • UK Government - a 10yr partnership with Moderna capable of producing up to 250 million mRNA vaccines per year, and also ...
  • Australian Government - similar deal for 100 million doses of mRNA vaccine.  
  • Canadian Government also has plans for 100 million doses


Immunology of mRNA vaccines

What happens when you inject mRNA?

Dr Campbell suggests that when you inject mRNA there is some absorption of it by the whole body system including the circulation.  The mRNA vaccine is surrounded by a fatty material,  and all cells have a phospholipid bilayer (a membrane of organic fatty materilal) which means they can absorb the mRNA.

Inflammatory response to the mRNA vaccine

Campbell explains that this absorption by the body cells means the mRNA can potentially go in to the myocardium (heart muscles), brain , testes, ovaries and pretty much any cell anywhere.  Then the genetic apparatus in that cell is going to produce on to the surface of that cell the antigen substance which is going to cause your body to start fighting. There is then an immune inflammatory response to that antigen on the cell's surface. 

Professor Clancy agrees with the explanation given by Dr Campbell and adds that the antigen in this case is a "spiked protein" which lasts for at least weeks in the blood after vaccination. Many cells circulate which means that there is no question that mRNA is going to be expressing it's antigen (it's protein that it is coding for), throughout the body. 

Why is there a groundswell of concern about mRNA vaccines?

Clancy says It's concerning because it is like having a foreign new antigen on the cell surface and it is not just confined to spiked proteins.  Any mRNA vaccine using the methods and technology that have been rapidly developed and not tested in humans is going to be expressing it's antigen (flu or whatever) as a foreign antigen on cell surfaces throughout the body. It becomes like an auto-immune disease and the body fires itself off against those cells.  Prof Clancy believes that this is what is underpinning the groundswell of concern . 

He adds that measured amounts of a vaccine produce a controlled "good" response. However mRNA seems to be producing uncontrolled amounts of antigens. Prof Clancy refers to current cancer research which seeks to identify a patients cancer cells and that mRNA techniques may be good for that.  He is also concerned that we do not yet know if adverse effects of mRNA may be handed down through the generations by altering human DNA.  We don't know.  It is a massive experiment. 

About "traditional"  or classic vaccines

An attenuated or "mushed up" version of a disease eg diptheria, tetnus is injected in to patients. These are administered with he back ground knowledge of what the live un-attenuated virus would do.  We do not have that information about genetic vaccines which prof Clancy says he finds "very scary".

Are other qualified people expressing concerns?

See concerns expressed by 2mins 40sec onwards by Dr Aseem Malhotra speaking to BBC

Dr Malhotra says that his research shows that there is almost certainly a cardiovascular risk involved with the mRNA vaccine .  The vaccine is almost certainly a contributory factor to the 30,000 excess deaths and this is why he has called for a suspension of it pending an inquiry.  

Why don't Members of Parliament raise the issue? 

At least one MP does!

What happens to Members of Parliament who raise concerns about potentially unsafe products on which millions have been spent and and which will be injected in to millions of people? 

The suspicion is that there are powerful people who want to divert attention from the issue of excess deaths and seek to keep the MP quiet. 

and here is Dr Thorp in the USA speaking about his findings which raise suspicions about the mRNA vaccine. 

USA Dr Thorp is suggesting that still births have increased and he worries about whether there may be adverse effects passed on across generations.