Covert military operation on social media.

 Covert military operation. Turns out that UK citizens who may have been hesitant and / or didn't want the vaccine  were up against soldiers of the british Army's 77th Brigade. Scroll down their page just a little bit to the title WHO WE ARE.  The brigade is proud of being

 "an agent of change; through targeted information activity and outreach we contribute to the success of military objectives"

77th brigade contributed to pandemic military objectives

Mail online reported on the covert monitoring operation by UK military of various people who voiced concerns about covid such as ex minister David Davis and Journalist peter Hitchens.
Mail Online
Mail Online

Big brother watch is a website which monitors the UK's move towards being a more Orwellian society and spoke to a whistleblower.  If you scroll down their page called the Ministry of Truth to "Key Findings" then the 77th Brigade operation is mentioned as collecting tweets from UK citizens.  

Big Brother Watch
Big Brother Ministry of Truth

Chief of the defence Staff General Sir Nick Carter is still on YouTube  in 2020.  If you fast forward the video to about 7mins 50seconds then he is introduced by the then Home Secretary Dominic Raab. He comments that he is entirely in support of heroic health care workers.

In the Uk Defence Journal ,  the headline says 77th Brigade "not being used against UK population".  But then it says that 77th Brigade was involved in countering misinformation online relating to Covid,  although that effort had now ended. 

UK defence journal
UK Defence Journal

The Telegraph carried a report saying that the UK Army's information warfare unit had monitored covid lockdown critics.  Dr John Campbell says that he had videos deleted during covid lockdown which is a situation that he would never have believed could happen.  You and I still cannot say many things covid related online. 

There was another unit involved in monitoring online activity - called the Counter Disinformation Unit (part of Dept for Digital, Culture , media & Sport).  This was disbanded. 

 However, the cabinet Office has a rapid Response unit which it launched in March 2020. Round about Para 6 on their page,  they say that this cell engages with social media and when a false narrative is discovered, and  then Whitehall departments deploy the appropriate response (eg label a post for it to be taken down).

Scroll down the mail online page to see this item concerning what a  whistleblower told them about the snooping: 
snooping 77th Brigade
Snooping 77th Brigade

In that item the same anonymous whistleblower is quoted as saying "I had the impression the Government were more interested in protecting the success of their policies than uncovering foreign interference, and I regret that I was a part of it"

Dr John Campbell says that he himself was targeted by foreign influencers and wonders why more surveillance and monitoring was not directed at them. 

Footnote:  If anyone is interested , the UK Government has a toolkit in case you want to set up your own Ministry of Truth (Counter Disinformation Unit)

This blog tries to support  Dr John Campbell, and also Neil McCoy-Ward .  If you enjoyed the content then please have a look at their Youtube videos below and hit the "like" button.  

                                        Dr John Campbell

                                            Neil McCoy-Ward