Ukraine reports

 Ukraine Russia conflict reports

Wion (world is one news) is an Indian multinational new channel. This report covers heavy fighting in several towns . Russia accuses US and Nato of being directly involved in the conflict.

Zeihan says that historically the Russian army often starts badly in war.  But they then throw large numbers of troops at the problem until it goes away.  This is what they are currently doing  - 500,000 troops.  Then there is winter mud followed by frozen mud and then a mud thaw. By next May, we will likely see the fighting play out probably in the Donbas .

Emil CosmanEmil Cosman (vlogger and political analyst)
  On 4 Dec 2022 he pointed out a report from the Ukraine Navy which gives information about Russian forces.  
FB ukraine Navy reportThe Ukraine Navy Facebook report says  that as of 04.12.2022:
There are 21 Russian ships in the Black Sea on combat standby, of which 4 are carrying "caliber" winged missiles (with a total 24 missiles). In the Sea of Azovsʹkomu, the Russians have 2 ships on combat standby and in the Mediterranean there are 9 Russian ships, of which 5 carry "caliber" (total 76 missiles).
The Russian Federation continues to disable automatic identification systems (AIS), on civilian vessels in the the Azov Sea. See also Ukrainska Pravda news.

Scott RitterScott Ritter (American author and former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer)
Points that Ritter makes include: Is of the opinion that Russia has been holding back and will soon get angry and destroy the Ukraine army.  Doesnt think Zelensky is a good leader and there won't be negotiated peace.  The EU has a rotten foundation and is not unified .  The French and Germans are waking up to realise that the USA is actually their economic foe taking the industries to the USA.  Putin never wanted to destroy the West.  Russia wants a new European framework that protects them from the vageuries of the West.  

Ritter thinks that we are witnessing the death of the ukraine as a country and nation. There are many thousands of Polish soldiers wearing ukranian uniforms.  These men are being slaughtered by a Russian army that was upgraded between 2008 - 2014. The Russians have become the best military offensive army in the world. 

Douglas Macgregor

Colonel Douglas Macgregor (retired) is a US geopolitical analyst.

On 30 Nov 2022 , Col Macgregor said on a YouTube show that some US military supplies such as 155mm shells are in short supply. There is media talk about sending more sophisticated weapons . This might result in direct US conflict with Russia and the US is not prepared for it. He also says that there are videos of Russian soldiers being murdered by ukraine soldiers. Macgregor believes that in Europe and USA there is a growing Ukraine fatigue. He thinks that Ukraine doesn't want a negotiated settlement and fears that the US will abandon them. He believes that stories of mass rape and mass murder is propaganda cooked up by Ukraine.

Joe Macdonald

#Video conversation contains army swearing# The above man calls himself Joe Macdonald and relates what he says is his experience when going to volunteer for the ukraine army. He flew to Warsaw in Poland and was transferred to a Ukraine base near the Polish border. At one point there was a missile attack. He was in a platoon of about 30 men who initially had about 3 AK47 rifles between them . A large number of men either went home or went to other units where they expected to be better eqipped. He remarks that no one gets a call-of-duty experience. After the attack they were moved to central Ukraine. There was no air support and artillery support was sometimes delayed. Casualties were conveyed by 4x4 vehicle maybe within an hour or two.

rt  Also, have a look around on the Russian Television website which is often  blocked here in the West (most people think that only the Chinese state practised censorship outside of war). It's bound to be propaganda of course but so is everything else these days.  I prefer for people to try to make their own minds up.