Southwold be like Oxford ?

 How might Southwold be if it was reset to look like the vision being put in place by Oxford County Council for it's own main city area? Oxford is congested and getting in to town and parking can often be a nightmare.  

Oxford Shops

So  residents will have Zones for a start.  

Zone 1 . All of Southwold would be designated as "Zone 1" and the shopping area would be a ZEZ (Zero Emission Zone). Only Electric vehicles allowed in other words.  Most of the Market place area and High Street would be pedestrianised . 

OxfordOxford ZEZSouthwold 

Two or three locations - let's say Station Yard, Harbour, and Pier might have District Council licensed electric scooters for hire. You tap your app to pay, and then zip off to sight see the town. Privately owned scooters are not allowed of course. 

Oxford Scooters

Only electric taxis allowed in zoned areas.  In Oxford, I saw horse manure next to such a taxi rank. 

Oxford E taxi
Southwold itself would be the centre and residents of the suburbs would then be cake sliced so that :

Zone 2 - might be Wangford Road (South Side) and everything in Reydon postcode which is roughly South of that road (including Wangford itself right up to the A12). 

Zone 3 - might be Wangford Road (North side) and everything else including all Wrentham postcodes. 

Zone rules.  The rules might apply from say 8am to 6pm.  Residents may not use private vehicles to travel into or between zones.  Driving out of your zone to the A12 along your designated road is ok.  All monitored by automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) and a £70 fine for transgressing in a system previously mentioned on this blog :  traffic filters. 

A whole bunch of exceptions to the rules:  Company cars, delivery lorries, emergency vehicles, vehicles with a County Council permit etc etc would be allowed. 

Visitors.   would be encouraged to use park and ride which might be at Henham so that it could tie in with the money making car park requirements of the Lattitude Festival. 

Pros: County Council  can show electors that it is reducing congestion and private car useage. Reduce fossil fuel wastage.  Achieve net zero. Safer and more pleasant environment. 

Cons: Local authority surveillance. More rules regulations and monitoring which will stop residents being able to use their private cars in their own city whilst visitors travel with fewer restrictions. 

Comment: Why can't ANPR just count car numbers and report it on roadsigns and social media .  "Town / city is rammed with 5000 people and no spaces in car parks" type message rather than orwellian monitoring of residents and fines? 

Oxford County Hall
Oxford County Council