Just Stop oil group

 Just Stop Oil Group

Often seen glueing themselves to the ground and bringing busy junctions to a halt.  They want no more fossil fuels licences to   be issued by the Government.  They want renewable fuels only.

There are still difficult questions to answer about how renewables will manufacture steel plastics, medicines, tarmac etc

Often dressed in orange and actions have included throw soup at a van gough

Report by Neil McCoy ward 3rd Nov 2022 said they are also trained on a site called rebellion academy.

XR is well funded .

The children's investment fund foundation (CIFF) s a registered charity .   Wikipaedia says that its assetts of £5.2 Billion pounds.  They fund these groups according to neil mccoy ward

Generation unlimited is an organisation .  Its logo looks a bit like the agenda 2030  logo.  It shows that the CEO of CIFF is Ms Kate Hampton was in 2008 named as a World economic forum young global leader.

The Children’s Investment Fund Management (UK) LLP (TCI) is a London‐based hedge fund management firm founded by Chris Hohn in 2003 which manages The Children’s Investment Master Fund. TCI makes long‐term investments in companies globally  

TCI derives its name from a charitable foundation called The Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), TCI has a reputation for aggressive shareholder activism. For example, TCI has been a major shareholder of the German stock exchange Deutsche Börse where it forced the resignation of the CEO after he refused to abandon his plan to take over the London Stock Exchange.

Global Financial alliance "The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) is a global coalition of leading financial institutions committed to accelerating the decarbonization of the economy.Achieving the objective of the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature increases to 1.5°C from pre-industrial levels requires a whole economy transition. Every company, bank, insurer, and investor will need to adjust their business models, develop credible plans for the transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient future, and then implement those plans.GFANZ provides the tools and resources the financial sector needs to implement its net-zero commitments."

GFANZ is run by former Govenor of the Bank of England Mark Carney .  Mr Carney is a leader in Brookfield investing and appears to make a profit from the transition to net zero. 

With thanks tom Neil Mccoy Ward.