Sunak's central bank digital currency

 Goldman Sachs is  one of the World's largest investment banks.  Many reports (eg Bloomberg) have noted that Rishi Sunak's appointment as British Prime Minister will keep up the number of ex sachs employees who become leaders of countries or head of a country's finances. 

Sunak is well known for pushing for the introduction of CBDC's (Central Bank Digital Currencies).  In Oct 2021, the UK held the presidency of the G7 group of nations .  Sunak spoke about public policy principals for retail CBDC's.  He also launched a Bank of England task force to look into aspects of CBDC's, and consult the public in 2022.   

The House of Lords reported on CDBC's in Jan 2022.  "In summary, the Committee says that the benefits of the UK adopting a “digital Pound Sterling” are ‘overstated’ and are ‘achievable through less risky alternatives.’ The Report concludes that despite some advantages, there is ‘no convincing case’ for a digital pound in the UK, even though digital currencies supported by central banks (such as the Bank of England in the UK) may have their uses in relation to securities trading and settlement between financial institutions".

Fed reserve Bank of New York practices CBDC's in Nov Dec 2022 for 12 weeks

There are some concerns about any introduction of CBDC's and everyone having a digital ID.  The CBDC system could develop into a kind of intrusive perpetual surveillance.  When linked to personal carbon allowances and social scoring it will amount to digital slavery.   The UK Government already has a Carbon Tax  ETS (emissions Trading Scheme)  which applies to energy intensive industry and aviation. 

The World Economic Forum wants digital ID's .

infosys is a financial services company which promotes digital identity.  Mr Narayana Murthy is a founder of this company and is father-in-law of Rishi Sunak.  Infosys partners with the World Economic Forum. 

Neil Oliver provides one of the best summaries of the world in which we now live.

Neil McCoy-Ward for draws attention to the subject in a more conspiracy style on his Youtube channel.