Dangers for top Russians

 There appears to be some dangers for top Russians. 

Dangers for top Russians

Vladamir Sungorkin age 68 , stroke.

On 14th Sept 2022 Komsomolskaya Pravda reported that "Vladimir Sungorkin, editor-in-chief of KP, dies".  This had happened whilst he was on an expedition to the Primorsky Territory.

Ivan Pechorin, age 39, fell overboard. 

On 12th Sept 2022, many news channels including the russian VLRU , and the Daily Mail online reported that Russian executive Ivan Pechorin fell overboard on 10th Sept whilst sailing off cape ignatiev the coast of Vladivostok.   After a 2 day search Pechorins body was found near Bergovoy, Amur bay.  Pechorin was managing director of the organisation for development of the far East and Arctic. 

Igor Nosov, age 43, Stroke

Nosov is reported to have had the job of modernising Russian aviation industry. 

Ravil Maganov, age 67 , fell from 6th floor hospital window. 

Reuters news agency reported on Sept 1st 2022 that had committed suicide by jumping from a 6th floor hospital window.  He had been there to recieve treatment for a heart condition and apparently was on antidepressents, 

6 other Russian deaths  reported by The Mirror online. 

Russian Generals Killed 

These above deaths come on top of claimed 9 Russian generals killed during 2022 as listed on Wikipedia