Run on Banks in China

 2nd Sept 2022  Maya Tousi found a report on Tik Tok from bank customers who have been told that the bank may impose charges on their accounts if the bank encounters economic difficulties.   However , the "thisismoney" website has similar reports in which banks seek to allay any fears. 

Run on China Banks

There has been a run on banks in China.  This appears to follow the chinese banks in June 2022 , saying that they are upgrading systems.  However, as people have found difficulty in withdrawing money , so this has caused customers to all withdraw large amount at once causing the run on Banks in China.

Nowadays, customers can only withdraw about £250 a day .  Only a few thousand pounds cash can be carried abroad.  

Reuters reported that when chinese people travelled to protest in June 2022 recently, the authorities stopped them using health codes (turning from green to red thus preventng travel).