Prepping in Southwold

 Prepping in Southwold
Prepping in Southwold

Look at Sri Lanka for an example of what could happen to us if we are not careful.  The country's 23 million people are seeing 

  • high inflation over 21%
  • Lack of foreign currency - no US dollars to pay for imports
  • Petrol and fertilizer shortages - only 1 day fuel supply left on 18th may 2022 , and fertilizer for crops is 100 (one hundred)  times more expensive.
  • Power outages - 15hr outages have been reported 
  • Queues for food and medicines 
  • Difficulty withdrawing cash from ATM
  • Social unrest
All of the factors which cause these things are also putting pressure on the UK.  You can only do small things as an individual but if everyone does them over time, then economic impacts might be delayed for a while or smoothed out.   So you might 

  • Keep cash in your wallet - draw out MORE cash than your immediate needs in case ATM's are locked down. Remember that CanadianGovernment shut down Truckers bank accounts when it wanted to. 
  • Keep a full tank of fuel plus a  spare can.  Remember fuel is organic and lasts about 6weeks.
    Prepping in Southwold

  • Purchase a water filter - allows you to drink rain water
  • Purchase a camping gas stove and a few spare gas cans 
  • Keep stocked up on long life foods - pasta , dried rice and soups, tinned foods etc

  • Keep a bug out bag ready to leave the area in an emergency - anything from a major flood to a Russian strike on Sizewell or Bacton. 

Homegrown food from the garden might be banned 

University of Michigan

Growing food in the allotment or garden produces too much carbon says the University of Michigan