
This is the summary diagram from the now famous ukfires website.  When you are on the website you need to scroll down a bit to see this diagram (maybe zoom in to red it) .  It is part of of a Cambridge University  report called "absolute zero" and is quite a shock if you are unfamiliar with it.  

It summaries what is going to happen and the actions that human society must take to save the planet.  Reduced car size, and reduced car useage.  No aircraft or ships, no concrete, no meat or animal farming.

Climate - The Movie

Climate the movie

The short movie is introduced by irish Biochemical engineer Ivor Cummins.  It is basically saying that scientists ONLY get funding if they provide evidence that there IS climate change .  No evidence = no funding for your research. 

Mind Wars - Sandi Adams Interview

Sandi Adams says that she has "joined the dots" .  She is an anti-new-world-order activist.  She tries to help people see that the items on the Agenda (Agenda 2030 that is)  have been years in the making and are not necessarily for the benefit of Planet Earth, or for you and I.    It is instead a plan to have big corporations control all the food, energy, information and other resources across the planet.   It is a war against humanity being played out right under our noses. 

Sandi says that she lived in Somerset England in 2014 and that year the area became flooded.   Initially there was no help from UK Government and so locals ran a sandbagging operation themselves from the local village hall.  A Telegraph journalist Chris Booker (died 2019) was on scene and told Sandi that it was linked to Agenda 21 (which has since become Agenda 2030 .  Agenda 2030 contains the UN/WEF list of  sustainable development goals.   This in turn is linked to Ramsar.  Ramsar is a UN convention on wetlands.  Baroness Young who was then the Environment Agency minister 

Find Sandi on Youtube , and at

 The Light is a non-mainstream newspaper entirely supported by donations . More likely to shine a light on how the worls works.